The Dark Heart of Roskem: 5E DND one-shot


Only 5 left!

Can you find the missing captain and battle an ancient evil rising?

LEVEL 4 One-Shot


3-6 hours of session time.
Adventure background

Centuries ago, on the banks of the river Roskem, a tribe of nomadic Elves founded a small fishing settlement named Myristat. Since its creation, Myristat has grown into a large town that reaches out to the edge of Roskem Swamp.

A week ago the captain of Myristat's guard and several of his men went missing overnight. Then, two days ago, a couple who lived on the outskirts of the town also went missing. The Mayor of the town is now looking to hire someone from out of town to investigate these disappearances, not wanting to create panic amongst the locals.

22 pages
New monsters; Bog Body, Giant Swamp Leech, Swarm of Poisonous Snakes, Lizard Gargoyle,Lizardfolk and The Swamp King.
1 new magical item: Vine Whip
Original artwork and maps.
Player maps for Roll20.

The Dark Heart of Roskem is a one shot adventure written by Tim Roberts, an independent games creator.