Cardfight Vanguard: Stand Up Deckset Gramgrace Special Series

$50.96 $59.95

Sold Out

Featured Nations:
Keter Sanctuary

Product Details:

1 Deckset contains:
1 Pre-constructed Deck (50 Cards) + Extra Cards (5 Cards)
1 Short Storage Box
1 Deck Holder
1 Card Sleeves (53 Pieces)

Card Types:
Pre-Constructed Deck: 18 Types (4 New cards + 14 Reissue cards)
New cards include grade 0 to 2 cards for ride deck (1 piece each) + 1 rear-guard card (4 pieces)\
Extra Cards: 5 Types (5 Reissue cards)
Extra cards are cards used to strengthen the deck.
All cards included in this product are printed with normal treatment.