Digimon TCG: Exceed Apocalypse Booster Pack
Contents: Each booster pack contains 12 random cards.
The Digimon Card Game: Exceed Apocalypse booster set features 4 popular Tamers including Matt from the Digimon Adventure anime that weren't included in the Blast Ace set. Five of their partner Digimon such WereGarurumon are also included with the new ACE play mechanic.
Players can build decks on these ACE Digimon. Digimon Seekers' Shuu Yulin and her partner Ryudamon are also featured.
The last boss of Digimon Adventure - Apocalymon - gets its first Digimon card in this set.
Set Configuration: The Digimon: Exceed Apocalypse set includes 124 total cards with 46 Commons, 34 Uncommons, 23 Rares, 18 Super Rares, and 3 Secret Rares.